Gum Disease – What you need to know:

Gum Disease is a serious gum infection that can damage the soft tissue and bone that supports teeth. This can also permanent tooth loss in adults. Sometimes, it is painless that you may not know it until you visit your dentist. The early stage of gum disease is called gingivitis while the advances gum disease is called periodontitis.

What is the cause of gum disease? This is caused by plague. It is the sticky film of bacteria that is constantly forming on teeth.


  1. Tender, ted and swollen gums
  2. Bleeding gums
  3. Persistent bad breath or bad taste
  4. Sensitive teeth
  5. Loose teeth
  6. Any change in the way teeth fit together when biting
  7. Any change in the fit of partial dentures

Factors that can develop periodontitis or gum disease:

  1. Smoking
  2. Poor Oral Hygiene
  3. Crooked Teeth
  4. Defective fillings
  5. Bridges that no longer fit properly
  6. Female hormonal changes (e.g: pregnancy, or use of contraceptives)
  7. Diabetes
  8. Heredity/Genetics

See your dentist to prevent gum disease. This disease can be eliminated with the proper professional dental service by a dental practitioner. It is advisable to have teeth cleaning every few months and must be followed by proper oral hygiene (toothbrushing, and flossing).

Dente Care Center - Bacolod Dental Clinic

It is possible to have gum disease and have no signs. This is the reason why regular visit to your dentist is a must.
